Friday, July 07, 2006


当我翻开“悟-松下幸之助的经营智慧”的目录时,我深深被松下的人生观所吸引。“把坏运看成好运”的积极人生观。好有说服力。综观松下的一生,其实他的运气并不好。由于他对人生抱有非常积极的态度,所以每次都能突破层层的困难,而有今日的成就。是问有多少人能做到。危机就是转机, 灾祸能变成运气,任何困境也都能转变为好机会。只要人还有一口气,就有希望。加油吧!要走的路还长呢......

Monday, July 03, 2006

My second English Novel Book!

Yeah, finally... I have finished my second fiction book after Da Vinci Code today.
The book - Angels and Demons which written by Dan Brown (the bestseller of The Da Vinci Code) is another book that the story line is almost the same as The Da Vinci Code. I read it quite slow at the beginning. Quite boring. Anyway it turned up quite exciting in the middle part.

The story involves a conflict between an ancient group, the Illuminati, and the Catholic Church.

This book deals with moral issues such as the debate between science and religion. It outlines many of the internal workings of the Vatican as a plot to blow up the Vatican unfolds during the conclave.

Angels and Demons has many similarities with Brown's other books -- all events happen within 24 hours, it starts with a murder, and then takes a breakneck pace through many European settings. In this book, much of the artwork is by the noted sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Just as with Brown's other novels, there is a mixture of fact and fiction that some readers find entertaining, but others find inaccurate and misleading, to the point of promoting conspiracy theories.

The book's popularity has led to a corresponding increase in tourism to the book's locations in Rome.

Ok, stay tune for my next book .....