Friday, May 23, 2008

Dog attack II

Today I am running with precautions with some stones on each hand. I keep myself alert with this black 'attacker' when I enter his "territory". I hold my 'bullet' firmly and ready to shoot when he comes close me. This is a battle that involve some proficiency (accuracy and speed). Here he comes, growling at me, stiffened his front legs and a raised ridge of hair along the spine. He looked scary this time and is about to attack using his sharp teeth. My turn and I threw the stone with all my effort without mercy. I have got you! (with a sign of victory). I quickly ran away before he went after me again. Phew! Holy God! Please forgive me for what I have done to a friend of mankind.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dog attack

I was out for a jog today and it is quite hot even though the clock hit 5.30pm. There is nothing special about the route in this area but the only thing is there are quite a number of domestic dogs and stray dogs. The dogs are always exciting and begin barking, growling when they saw someone passing by. There is one spot where a stray dog that like to chase after me. I never take it seriously and I thought after a bit of barking, the dog will lose interest and go away. I always remain calm or be friendly because there's some truth to the adage that dogs and other animals can sense fear. If you panic, you may make the dog feel more confident in his attack, or you may appear threatening to the dog. The dog is not playing and being aggressive this time.

Ouch... He was acting fast before I realise I was bitten. I ended up with a minor teeth marks (two holes, still lucky though...) and bruise on my calf. Guess I will have to get a rabies shot before I turn to a beast. Haha! I tried to contact the animal control authorities after this in order to prevent such incidents in the future, as well as to determine if the animal has rabies. Some advice for runners,
  • Every dog is different, and dogs will react in sometimes unpredictable ways.
  • Watch for signs of infection closely if you've been bitten. There's a lot of bacteria in their teeth.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

New challenges

对于每天努力工作的人来说, 表面上看起来,生活很充实!