Friday, April 04, 2008

My first Yoga class

It has been my wish to try out yoga. There's a lot of hype about yoga since the last decade and now I got to try it for the first time. Thanks to the unpredictable weather all these while that make my plan become realistic.

First question of the day, what to wear. What is in my mind was no baggy t-shirt. For a very simple reason - A large number of yoga poses involve a version of standing on your head. When you stand on your head in a baggy t-shirt, your shirt falls over your face, and your belly hangs down. Not exactly the perfect scenario for true yoga enlightenment, relaxation, and ease. :P

I felt so excited when I stepped in the class. There were mostly ladies who just got off from work. And the male yoga instructor was muscular type that not what I imagined to be! The class is conducted in a heated room whereby the temperature is raised to 37 degree Celsius. The heated environment helps us warm up our body much quicker and stretch into a posture more deeply, improves blood circulation, and promotes detoxification and elimination through the skin. What’s more, proper practice will help us lose inches of unwanted body fat, achieve a better body shape and develop good muscle tone! Great, I'm a step closer to that. This is why this is one of the most demanding class here. Ladies...

The instructor guided us into basic postures and breathing techniques, moving from one position to the next, while telling us to inhale and exhale slowly. The exercise was more vigorous than I thought, apart from perspiring heavily, I almost lost my breath at one point. I'm impressed with the instructor that able to do all those amazing postures (you only normally see in pictures and shows) easily despite of his bulky figure. I felt like I was defeated by the poses. This is because of some of my muscle are not really used even though I do exercise regularly.

Despite my minor setbacks (which really I've learned to expect any time I undertake anything involving coordination), I completely enjoyed the class. I walked out feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and aware of muscles that I had forgotten I had. I'm already picturing my new self after a few more classes with amazing flexibility, enviable muscle tone, and an overpowering sense of calm. :P

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